Tight Knickers, Resting, Book & Boundaries
👙 There's no escaping the reality that my knickers are too tight
🤔 Thoughts for the week
We haven’t even started the run up to the Christmas over-indulgence, and my underwear is already uncomfortable. My knickers are pinching down below and things (they look suspiciously like lumps of flesh) are bulging out from behind my bra straps.
Instead of making rash promises to myself about dieting, willpower and that sort of thing, I’m going to be realistic. Rather than aiming to lose 2 stone in a month or I’ll hate myself forever, I’m going to cut back a bit on some stuff (not the wine) until I feel comfortable in my jeans - feelings vs numbers.
That seems doable ✅
I’ll let you know 👖
🧑🏻🎓What Have I Learned This Week?
The importance of rest. Really resting vs going slowly because you’re knackered. For me it’s about guilt and the belief that if you want to get somewhere you have to be working 18 hours a day or you’re not serious.
Actually what I’ve been doing is tapping into my intuition more about what my brain and body thinks I should be up to. Stopping and turning all the gadgets off, guilt free (not easy I know) and doing nothing unless I want to. So instead of forcing myself to get on with it, I’ve read a book, watched some TV or cleared out a clutter draw.
What I’ve learned is that
💜 Rest brings clarity, calm and new ideas
💜 I get more done when I come back to my projects
💜 Being busy busy busy has more to do with distraction than productivity
💜 Building rest periods into my schedule and making a decision for them to be 100% time out, because that’s what every sensible person has to do to keep going, meant I didn’t take time out by working in front of the TV, read a story book feeling guilty because it should be a business book; take an evening off, only to slope back to working at 7pm.
Rest is a valuable part of my business
📖 This Week’s Book
People who know me often say I’m very driven. I am, the problem is I’m not sure where I’m driving to. I know I’m on a journey. I know I have something important to get done. The missing piece is what that is exactly. What will it look like when it’s finished? Will it ever be finished? What do I have to do to achieve it?
None of these questions can be answered until I know what the point of it is.
Then I found ‘How To Develop Your Personal Mission Statement” by Steven Covey.
Steven Covey is a well known author in the business world, so I expected the book to be good, what I didn’t expect is for it to be simple. Breath of fresh air - it’s short, with concise ideas and a thought provoking closing chapter with Reflection Questions - good for journaling.
Even though it’s a compact little book, I’m taking it slowly - which is a real first for me.
PS - You can get it on Kindle Unlimited.
This Week’s Quote
This one comes from the book above
When you live out of your memory, you focus on the past. When you live out of your imagination, you focus on the future.”
Look Good Feel Good
I’ve discovered the Headspace App this week and I absolutely love it. The best bit for me is how every morning there is a fresh routine for you to connect with throughout the day. This means I can wake up and simply run through what Headspace has set for a morning meditation, afternoon thoughts and evening reflection.
No decisions to make, no scrolling through stuff.
📓 Journaling Prompt 📝
Intention is a word that I pop into a number of questions. I keep forgetting about it and every now and then, back it comes, and I start to use it again - it’s very useful for getting an end result and understanding where I’m coming from. I also use it to understand others and how I should react.
What’s the Intention?
I ask what my intention is for my own projects and reactions.
So, for Sian Scribbles and this newsletter my intention is to have a repository of ideas and resources that I can dip back into. It’s personal. Sharing it as a publication builds in accountability, and it might help someone else.
If I’m experiencing challenging behaviour from someone, I may ask myself what their intention is…and there can be some thought provoking answers.
I ask what my intention is for my clients and people who work with me. Here’s the one I’ve come up with for the Radio Show Business Club I’m creating with my co-host Adelle.
This is copied straight out of the working document - which means it still needs work!
Vision & Intention - Women In Business Club
=> A vibrant community (tribe) of professional women and like minded people with over 500 paying members.
=> They are connected, positive, inspired, becoming conscious and grounded.
=> They feel stable and safe supporting themselves and families and confidently doing their own thing.
=> They know what success looks like and how to shift, manoeuvre, bend, reassess and guage what’s needed AND they have the internal and external resources to make that happen.
=> They know they can turn to the community for support, ideas, accountability and feedback.
What’s happening this week?
I’m sticking to boundaries. I’m owning my processes and respecting my time and that of my team.
Here’s an example of that working in practice…
For prospective guests on the radio show we have a process…
They register their details on an application form
Next, they are redirected to a calendar to book a slot to talk with us - to make sure it’s a good fit both ways.
The instruction to connect at the appointed time is to call our business WhatsApp number.
Every now and then, someone will book and then send a Zoom or Teams link with a covering email to say they prefer to do the call that way.
Oh really?
Many times I’ve relented and gone their way. However, this means that instead of just picking up the phone when they call, there are now more hoops to jump through: a link to find and click through; waiting whilst they start the meeting. So, a 15 minute time slot can turn into 30 minutes or even longer, and that doesn’t include the added inconvenience of having to find a place to have the meeting or use a different device.
Most importantly, it’s not my way of doing things. The system was created to fit with me and so I’m owning it.
There’s something else as well - every time someone wants to do one thing differently, they’ve wanted to do everything differently and often become a total pain in the arse.
It’s about respecting my time and coming from a place of abundance.
Sian x
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